Amanda was a member of the NZYC in 2010.

She lives in Wellington and holds a Bachelor of Music in Performance from the University of Otago. She has been involved with local and national ensembles including Wellington’s Tudor Consort and Chapman Tripp Opera Chorus.

Simon Christie is a Wellington-based bass-baritone who studied singing under Emily Mair in Wellington and Udo Reinemann in Amsterdam. Simon was a member of De Nieuwe Opera Academie from 2001-2003 where he performed the roles of Figaro, Papageno and Le fauteil from L’enfant et les sortilèges. He also sang the role of Masetto with Opera Utrecht, as well as operas by Offenbach and Suppe for Opera Trionfo and in productions with the De Nederlandse Opera including Götterdämmerung, Norma, L’amour des Trois Orange, Peter Grimes and Samson. In oratorio, Simon sang as a bass soloist at the Montedon Festival in France, the Emilia Romagna Festival in Italy and the Ljubliana Festival in Slovenia and also in Denmark. He also sang Bach cantatas regularly with the Noordelijke Bach Consort and the Amsterdam Bach consort. Recital highlights include singing at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam and in Stuttgart for the KunstKeller Festival. A particular career highlight was performing Des Knaben Wunderhorn for the ex-French President, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, at his residence in France.

Since returning to New Zealand, Simon performs as Oratorio soloist with various choral societies, and also sings Opera roles with Days Bay Opera. A member of The NZ National Youth Choir from 1994-1996, Simon has re-engaged his love for choral singing by re-joining the Tudor Consort of which he was a member during the 1990’s, and has formed renaissance group – Aurora Four.

Originally from Christchurch, Nicholas is a tutor and postgraduate student at the University of Auckland, studying conducting. He is the Musical Director of Harbour Voices and GALS choirs and currently, the acting Director of Music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Auckland.

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In 2016, Jonathan graduated from the University of Waikato with First Class Honours, where he was a Sir Edmund Hillary Scholar. He was a member and bass leader of the New Zealand Youth Choir from 2013-2016, singing with them on their tours to the USA and Canada in 2013 and to Europe in 2016. He has also been a member of Voices NZ Chamber Choir since 2013.

Jonathan’s concert and oratorio repertoire include Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, Faure’s Requiem, Brahms’ Requiem, Vaughan Williams’ Fantasia on Christmas Carols, Ramirez’s Missa Criolla , Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb, Mozart’s Vespers solennes de Dominica, Mozart’s Requiem, Mozart’s Mass in C Minor, Handel’s ‘Messiah’, Saint-Saens’ Christmas Oratorio, Durufle’s Requiem and Cantatas BWV 4, 12, 44, 82, 93, BuxWV 51, and GWV 1161. At University, Jonathan had roles in The Magic Flute, The White Lady, The Telephone The Old Maid and the Thief, and Flowing Water. Jonathan has also been involved with NZ Opera since 2014 performing roles in Brass Poppies, Elixir of Love, and Don Pasquale, and as a chorus member in Tosca, The Magic Flute, The Mikado, Carmen, and Manon Lescaut.

Jonathan recently debuted as a soloist with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra in June singing in their performance of Neilsen’s Symphony No. 3 “Espansiva”. He was awarded the Creative/Performing Arts Person of the Year award at the 2016 University of Waikato Blues Awards. Jonathan has received a Dame Malvina Major Foundation Scholarship to attend Italian and Opera Masterclasses in Italy in October 2017 with Patricia Hurley’s Opera Tours.

Isaac Stone teaches classroom music, classical singing and leads the choral programme at Tawa College, including the chamber choir Blue Notes which recently received a Gold Award at the NZCF Big Sing Finale. He is the founding musical director of the innovative Wellington-based choir Supertonic and sings in a number of choirs in Wellington, including Tudor Consort and Inspirare.

Timothy holds a Bachelor of Music majoring in Performance Cello from the University of Waikato, a Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music in Cello with Distinction, an Honours degree majoring in performance organ from the University of Auckland and has just completed his Masters of music specialising in conducting with Prof Uwe Grodd, Dr. Karen Grylls and Dr. Gregory Camp. He has been a member of the New Zealand National Youth Orchestra, the New Zealand Youth Choir and is currently a member of Voices New Zealand.

Timothy is emerging as one of New Zealand’s most active and promising young conductors, having worked with several amateur and professional ensembles in New Zealand and overseas. In December he made his opera début as Music Director of Opera Otago’s production A Christmas Carol by Philip Norman. He has participated in conducting master classes in the United States, Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, conducting orchestras including the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Western Australia Symphony, Tasmanian Symphony, Auckland Philharmonic, and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. Currently, Timothy is Director of Choral Music at St Paul’s Collegiate Hamilton, Sub-Organist at Hamilton Cathedral of St Peter, Musical Director of Hamilton Civic Choir, Associate Conductor of OPUS Chamber Orchestra, and is a guest conductor with Opera Otago, St Matthews Chamber Orchestra, the Devonport Chamber Orchestra and Bach Musica NZ.

Rowan has been a member of the NZ Youth Choir from 1993, and of the Voices NZ Chamber Choir since 1999. Based in Auckland, Rowan conducts the acclaimed school choir, Choralation and is Director of Choirs at Holy Trinity Cathedral Auckland. He is a regular guest conductor at the Australian National Choral School and in demand as a choral conductor and clinician throughout New Zealand.


Matthew was a member of the New Zealand Youth Choir from 2000-2007 and has been a member of the Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir since 2005.

He has survived six international tours and performed widely throughout New Zealand during his time with the national choirs.

Originally from Tauranga, Matthew is now based in Christchurch and works as an anatomical pathologist at Christchurch Hospital.

James was a member of the New Zealand Youth Choir from 2000-2004. He has been a Lay Clerk at Wellington Cathedral and a member of the Tudor Consort, the Auckland Chamber Choir and Musica Sacra.

James currently works in IT in Auckland and sings at Saint Matthew-in-the-City.

Gregory Camp is Senior Lecturer in Music at the University of Auckland, where he teaches a wide variety of topics in musicology, music theory and musicianship. He is the school’s Director of Research, and is also the artistic director of the University of Auckland Opera Workshop, for which he directs an opera production each year.

His doctoral research, undertaken at the Queen’s College, Oxford, was on the modern performance history of the operas of Claudio Monteverdi; his current research focuses on film music of the 1950s and on Disney music. He has recently published two monographs with Routledge: Howard Hawks: Sonic Style in Film and Scoring the Hollywood Actor in the 1950sLinguistics for Singers, a manual that guides musicians through the poetic texts they work with through a holistic and comparative approach, is currently in press with Routledge. Originally from Denver, Colorado, Gregory is a lifelong choral singer, currently singing in the University of Auckland Chamber Choir. While at Oxford, he sang in the Queen’s College Choir and served as its librarian.