Sid Chand is completing his Bachelor of Music at Auckland University in Classical Performance under the tutelage of Dr. Te Oti Rakena. Sid is a former member of the New Zealand Youth Choir and performs regularly with the Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir. Finishing his degree, Sid hopes to complete his Honours under the same teacher and trusts that this will help him pursue a movement into more regular operatic, oratorio, and other soloist opportunities.

Kia ora! I’m an alto/mezzo soprano from Wellington. I moved to Auckland in 2020 for my Honours study in Classical Performance Voice at the University of Auckland. Singing in choirs is a huge part of my life. I was in NZSSC for four years and am part of the current NZ Youth Choir. I love singing jazz and have done a range of gigs in Wellington. Inner city pressure can be demanding, and my family and I frequently escape to the Remutaka Forest Park to go tramping and enjoy New Zealand’s beautiful native bush.

Chelsea completed her Bachelor of Music majoring in organ performance at Te Kōki, New Zealand School of Music in Wellington. She then went on to graduate from a Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington. She was a member of the New Zealand Youth Choir from 2014 – 2019, touring to both Europe and the Pacific Islands. Chelsea currently lives in Wellington and sings with Voices NZ, The Tudor Consort and the choir of Wellington Cathedral of St Paul.

Nathan Hauraki is an Auckland based Tenor. A recent graduate of the University of Auckland, Nathan has a Bachelor of Music with First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Arts. Nathan is a member of the St Matthews Voices and the New Zealand Opera Chorus and was a member of the most recent New Zealand Youth Choir 2017-19 cycle.

Albert was a member of the NZ National Youth Choir from 1998 – 2004 and a tenor in the winning “Choir of the World” – Llangollen, Wales 1999. Singing in a number of Choirs and ensembles for many years, he continues to sing with his local choir in Auckland and advocates sharing our wealth of choral experience and expertise by supporting our community choirs.

Currently a first tenor in Voices NZ, he cherishes the support of his two boys and loving wife, in doing what he loves.

Matthew is a student at the University of Auckland and enjoys singing in many choral groups. He is currently also a member of the Auckland Chamber Choir, the NZ Youth Choir, and sings in smaller ensembles such as the St Patrick’s Vocal ensemble.

Lillian is a Soprano from Dunedin. She has enjoyed many years of choral activities, including being a member of the New Zealand Secondary Students Choir (2015-2018) and most recently, became a member of the 2020-2022 New Zealand Youth Choir. Lillian is currently in her second year at the University of Otago, studying towards a Bachelor of Arts in Geography, Sociology and Classical Voice Performance with Tessa Romano, previously studying with Judy Bellingham until June 2019. Additionally Lillian is involved with the local performing arts scene, notably Opera Otago, performing arts societies through singing competitions, and the RSA Choir as a choral scholar. Lillian is excited to be a part of Voices NZ.

Arthur Adams-Close will be completing his BMus(Hons) in classical voice performance with Dr Te Oti Rakena and conducting with Dr Karen Grylls at the University of Auckland in June 2020. Major performances during his time at the university includes the title role in Le Nozze di Figaro Act II (2019), ‘Le Chat’ in L’Enfant et les Sortilèges (2017), and Schubert’s song cycle Die schöne Müllerin (Summer Research Scholarship recital 2019).

Arthur has been a member of the NZ Youth Choir since 2016, and Voices NZ and the NZ Opera Chorus since 2018, and is a 2020 Freemasons Artist with NZ Opera. He is also an alum of the NZ Secondary Students’ Choir, the University of Auckland Chamber Choir, the Auckland Youth Orchestra, IFAC Handa NZ Singing School (as singer in 2017 and as intern conductor in 2019), and have been involved in Opera Factory performances since a young age. In 2017 and 2018 Arthur competed in the New Zealand Aria (under 21) and the North Shore Performing Arts (senior vocal) competitions with much success, including the Under-21 years NZ Aria Award.

As a teacher and conductor, Arthur currently works at Saint Kentigern, St Peter’s, and Sacred Heart Colleges in Auckland, and has recently been appointed as the conductor of the Auckland University Students’ Chamber Orchestra.

Louise has over 10 years working in Arts Management in a variety of fields. She gained a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies from Otago University before beginning her career as Stage Manager at the Fortune Theatre in Dunedin.  

Moving to the UK in 2012 expanded her career with production and management roles in opera, dance, television and film. 

Returning to NZ in 2016, Louise worked in production management for the animated TV series Thunderbirds Are Go!, and most recently was working with the Royal New Zealand Ballet as Operations Manager.  

Louise joined Choirs Aotearoa NZ in January 2020 as Manager of NZYC and Voices NZ.